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Jorge Carneiro 

Associate Professor and Associate Dean


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Born in Brazil to Portuguese parents, I grew up in Rio de Janeiro but spent most of my teenage years in Chaves, a small town in the north of Portugal. In 1986, I got my degree in Electronics Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), then spent 16 fruitful years in the oil & gas industry and at dotcom companies.


During that period, I progressed in my academic journey and obtained my master’s in Business Administration from PUC-Rio in 1997. Ten years hence, I committed to an academic career and got my PhD in Business Administration from COPPEAD Graduate School of Business at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. My dissertation, entitled “Export Performance of Brazilian Companies: An Integrated Approach,” received the 2008 Brazilian Ministry of Education award for best PhD dissertation in Business Administration.


Ever since, I have been enthusiastically teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, coordinating executive MBA programs, and conducting research. From 1998-2016, I was a lecturer at PUC-Rio where I was promoted to Associate Professor. Since 2017, I’ve been on the faculty of São Paulo School of Business Administration at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EAESP). Currently, I am Associate Professor of Strategy and International Business, Head of the Department of Management and Human Resources, and Associate Dean of OneMBA, the Global Executive MBA program.


Founded in 1954, FGV EAESP is a global business school with more than 100 international partners in 38 countries and certified by AACSB, EQUIS-EFMD, and AMBA, the three leading international accreditation bodies. FGV was recently ranked as the sixth-best think tank in the world by the 2018 Global Go to Think Tanks Index.


Extensive oil & gas and dotcom corporate experience has doubtlessly contributed to my quest for outstanding teaching quality. Since 2008, I have advised or co‑advised some 90 undergraduate and graduate monographs, theses, and dissertations. I have been invited to lecture at leading Brazilian and international institutions and participate in numerous panels at academic and professional conferences all around the world.


The great majority of the research projects in which I have been involved have been supported by one of the leading Brazilian research funding agencies, such as CNPq (the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development), FAPERJ (the Research Support Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro), and IPEA (the Institute for Applied Economic Research). Over the course of my career I have successfully raised approximately US$265,000 in research funding from these Brazilian institutions. While perhaps on the low side from a North American / Western European standpoint, in Brazil it places me among the most successful researchers in business administration. So much so that I have just been awarded a fellowship grant from FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) to develop, in cooperation with two UK institutions - the University of Birmingham and the University of Manchester -, the thematic research project entitled "Creating competitive advantage serving marginalised communities: UK Multinationals and inclusive development in Latin America".


Since 2004, I have been a regular presenter of papers at international conferences, especially the AIB (Academy of International Business) and the EIBA (European International Business Academy), where I have also participated in more than 20 panels. Since 1997, I have also been attending ANPAD (Brazilian Academy of Management) conferences, which each year attracts upwards of 1,200 participants.


I have served as Editor-in-Chief, Guest Editor, Associate Editor, and member of the Editorial Board of several reputable Brazilian and international academic journals, such as, RAE - Revista de Administracao de Empresas, Brazilian Administration Review; International Business Review; Journal of Business Research; International Journal of Emerging Markets; Multinational Business Review; Management Research; and ARLA - Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Admnistración.


In addition to research, teaching and editorial activities, I have been President of the AIB‑LAC Board (Academy of International Business, Latin America and the Caribbean chapter) from 2021 to 2024, Leader of the Strategy Research Line at FGV EAESP (2022-2022), Chair of the Strategy division of ANPAD (2015-2017), EIBA board Brazil National Representative (2011-2016), Executive President of EIBA (2015), and Brazil Representative on the executive committee of BALAS (Business Association of Latin American Studies). Currently, I am member of the Board of the AIB‑LAC, member of the Executive DBA Advisory Board of TBS - Toulouse Business School, member of the strategic governance committee of Amcham in Brazil and member of CEPH - FGV's ethics compliance committee of research involving humans. Furthermore, I am certified by IBGC - Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance - to serve as Director of the Board of private and public companies and, since July 2021, I am serving as Member of its Thematic Committee of Strategy.


Enjoying the paulistana lifestyle since 2017, I’m a Brazilian with Portuguese and carioca heritage. I’m married to a knowledgeable industrial property agent (an amazing partner!) and am the father of two adult children. I remain enthusiastic about teaching and researching management and international business, and enjoy meeting with and being friend to some of the most competent scholars in the world.

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