Best Reviewer Award, Global Strategy track of the SMS (Strategic Management Society) Annual Conference 2021
Finalist of the IM Division Georgetown Best Paper in International Business and Policy Award. Buscariolli, Bruno & Carneiro, Jorge. Firm-level Impacts of Pro-Market Reforms: Latin America as a Laboratory. AOM - Academy of Management Annual Conference 2021
Best Reviewer Award, International Management Division of the AOM - Academy of Management 2021 Conference (online)
Finalist of the Best Paper Award, AIB-LAC - Academy of International Business, Latin America and Caribbean Chapter Annual Conference 2021 (Carneiro, Jorge & Santos, Renato. Selling Strategic Issues: Does the headquarters heed the subsidiary?)
Cuervo Cazurra & Newburry Award given to the scholar that contributes the most to the scientific capacity of academics, AIB-LAC- Academy of International Business, Latin America and Caribbean Chapter Annual Conference 2021
Advisor of the Doctoral Dissertation, whose article won the prize of Best Article Resulting from a Doctoral Dissertation at the 3Es 2020 Congress organized by ANPAD
Best Reviewer Award, EIBA (European International Business Academy) Annual Conference, Poznan, Poland, 2018
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Division of Strategy in Organizations (ESO), awarded Best Academic Division at XXXVIII EnANPAD (ANPAD’s Annual Meeting), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 2014
Best paper in Session, International Marketing Track, EIBA (European International Business Academy) Annual Conference, granted by International Marketing Review, Bucharest, Romania, 2011
Best Dissertation Award in the area of Administration, Accounting and Tourism granted by CAPES - Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education, 2008
Best paper of XXX EnANPAD (ANPAD’s Annual Meeting), Salvador, Bahia, 2006
Best paper of the Strategy in Organizations Division of the XXX EnANPAD (ANPAD’s Annual Meeting), Salvador, Bahia, 2006
Best paper of CIMaR (Consortium for International Marketing Research) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2006
Honorable Mention Award of Organizations/Strategy of the XXIII EnANPAD (ANPAD’s Annual Meeting), Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, 1999
Best paper of Strategic Management of the XXI EnANPAD (ANPAD’s Annual Meeting), Rio das Pedras, Rio de Janeiro, 1997